S02E44 - The Calm Before the Storm
un épisode de la Saison 2 de Beyblade

S02E44 - The Calm Before the Storm

un épisode de la Saison 2 de Beyblade


After disappearing thirty years ago, Zagart confronts Mr. Dickenson, forcing him to enter Zeo in the World Championship Finals. He reveals that Zeo is his son and that he won’t show mercy when he confronts the Bladebreakers in the tournament. The Bladebreakers try to attend Zeo’s match so they can find out what’s happened to him but arrive at the arena too late. Meanwhile, Dr. K works with King and Queen to improve their powers so they can get the four sacred Bit Beasts for her. At the opening night gala, the final pairings are announced but tensions reach a boiling point when King and Queen start a no-rules Beyblade match with Dunga. The Bladebreakers manage to stop the duel, but the damage has already been done. The Beyblade finals will be a far more dangerous affair than last year. A grim Zeo looks down on the other finalists determined to win at all costs.


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