S03E08 - The Lemonade Stand
un épisode de la Saison 3 de Davey and Goliath

S03E08 - The Lemonade Stand

un épisode de la Saison 3 de Davey and Goliath


Davey and his Dad are suppose to build a lemonade stand. Sally accidentally breaks her doll carriage before having to appear in a doll parade. John then attends to Sally's needs first. Davey walks in and is angry that John is tending to her first, when he promised Davey that they would build the lemonade stand. Davey jumps to the conclusion that his Dad loves Sally more than him. Mad at his Dad, Davey attempts to run away wit Goliath. While on the street, a girl asks Davey where Sally is and that she is late for trhe doll parade. Davey figures out that Sally needed her Dad's help first and understands that her problem needed the attention first and that his Dad loves the both of them the same. (Original C.1962)


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