S07E11 - Le voleur de bicyclette
un épisode de la Saison 7 de La Fête à la maison

S07E11 - Le voleur de bicyclette

un épisode de la Saison 7 de La Fête à la maison


Teaser: Nicky and Alex play cowboy games. Main Synopsis: Michelle tells the family that her bicycle is missing, so the family starts a search for it. Later on, Danny, Jesse, and Joey have each brought home a bicycle that looks like Michelle's, but it turns out that none of the three bikes belong to Michelle. At the same time, the disappearances of the three bikes is being investigated by Crime Catchers, a neighborhood watch program led by Mrs. Carruthers, who works at the school Michelle goes to. It turns out that Michelle had forgotten that she left her bike at her friend Derek Boyd's house.


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