S01E02 - La bonne aventure
un épisode de la Saison 1 de Sailor Moon

S01E02 - La bonne aventure

un épisode de la Saison 1 de Sailor Moon


In the Juuban area, fortune tellers are the new craze. Naru suggest that Umino seek out a fortune teller after his true feelings for Usagi are revealed to her. Unfortunately, Umino and other teenagers are possessed by an evil fortune teller sent from the Dark Kingdom. Usagi, on the other hand, meets an old fortune teller, who reveals to her that someone she sees everyday has feelings for her. She begins to suspect that it is Motoki, a worker at Crown Game Center, because she has feelings for him. After an encounter with Motoki, Usagi bumps into an angered Mamoru Chiba, again. The next day, Umino shows up to school and begins to act very crudely. However, he is not the only one acting strangely...


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